
Many students forget important deadlines and often fail to complete essential tasks like paying fees or submitting assignments on time. They do not remember the numerous instructions given and often need help in academic areas. A secure interactive solution that can assist students with all their academic needs while also reminding them about important deadlines can help make education simpler for many.

In the current digital age, libraries need to be more accessible and user-friendly. People prefer items that are catered to them. Develop an innovative solution where the users should get personalized recommendations based on the information from previous readings. Information like reading patterns, authors, reading style, book read status, rating, similar interests/topics, etc. can be used as input to give recommendations.


Programming is a broad field encompassing various disciplines, some of which can be quite complex and difficult to understand. This often causes many people to lose interest. People give up halfway because they do not receive the assistance they need and lack proper guidance. It will be immensely beneficial to students if they can receive all the support they need to navigate their coding journey.

Build a student-admin interface for students where one can apply for a college leaving certificate(CLC) and from the other end, the admin can approve or reject the application. Various features can be added to this interface to assist in making the process of leaving an academic institution easier.


Taking attendance of the class while managing it is a hectic task for any teacher as there are numerous disturbances along with various discrepancies occurring simultaneously. This often affects the quality of the class as the teacher cannot completely concentrate on academic deliveries. An attendance management system can save time and reduce errors. It can streamline the attendance process and make it more efficient for teachers while also providing valuable data and insights to help improve the quality of the class.

It is often found that students do not have the means to pay for all their academic needs. Many students leave their studies mainly because they do not have the money to do so. They are unaware of the various schemes introduced by the government and do not know which scholarships they are eligible for. Develop a solution which provides assistance to students regarding scholarships and education loans. It should also recommend the best options they are eligible for.


During online classes, it is very difficult for the teacher to keep track of the student's activities. They do not know if the student is following the class or not. They cannot track his progress. It is essential to have a method to monitor students during online classes which will help the instructor make changes accordingly.


Participants are open to come up with a problem statement by themselves and develop an innovative solution.