
Very often, patients experience chronic pain which affects their day-to-day functioning and has a direct impact on their quality of life. The available virtual reality technologies can be used to help patients manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. They can be used to distract patients from their pain or to design exercises that are specifically tailored to their needs.

There are many miscommunications possible while communicating with healthcare providers. They are overwhelmed with their duties and often cannot respond to all the patients in their desired manner. However, using technologies like NLP, it is possible to create systems that can understand and respond to human language in a more human-like way. This can improve communication between patients and healthcare providers and even have a significant positive impact on the patient experience and healthcare outcomes.


Mental health is a major concern in today's society. It is essential to track the mood, symptoms, and medication of the patient along with allowing secure private communication with a therapist or counselor. Develop a user-friendly solution with various features to assess and educate young adults on their mental state.

Different services are linked to the birth and death of an individual. If these services are integrated, it will help individuals obtain these services more simply and even assist the government in the maintenance of records. This can help in improving outreach and assist in spreading information in spreading awareness.


Post Covid-19, the import-dependent medical equipment industry is already in a churn, scrambling to establish new sources of raw materials and supply lines. There is a significant rise in the cost of medical equipment and subsequent high consultancy charges. Also, advanced medical equipment is available in limited hospitals with limited access. Devise a solution for decreasing costs and increasing access to advanced medical equipment

Create an application where a patient's past medical reports and feedback on a patient by the previous doctor can be stored and accessed by doctors who are presently treating the patient. The patient's data must be encrypted and only the patient's doctor can access them with his verified Id generated by the government.


To create an application where the patient’s insurance details are already verified by this application and creating a reference id which further can be used to skip the verification processes in a particular hospital this application should also tell the insurance benefits that a patient can avail and also making it easy to submit claims or check the status of their claims.


Participants are open to come up with a problem statement by themselves and develop an innovative solution.